
$IFT Overview

Infinity Collection (IFT) is an infinitely expanding NFT collection with a limited supply. One IFT can be minted by locking 1/10,000 of the total INT supply. Similarly, each IFT can be burned to redeem 1/10,000 of the total INT supply. This applies to IFTs received through the weekly distribution as well. This means that the collection can have tens of thousands of NFTs but at any point in time, only 10,000 of those can be owned. This allows owning of NFTs within the collection to be fluid, a user can burn their currently owned NFT and mint any unowned NFT. This also means that each INT token owns a fraction of the entire IFT collection.

The designing of NFTs to continually expand the collection can be funded using the DAO treasury.


Minting IFTs

IFTs can be minted by using the NftDistributor.mint function


  1. Invoke INT.approve(NftDistributor, amount), where

    • spender is NFTDistributor contract address: 0x2beC23ca7d5f75604907E8310bE82deA0100E5e2

    • amount is 1/10,000 of the max INT supply, 10,000,000 INT: 10000000000000000000000000,

  2. Invoke NftDistributor.mint, where tokenId is the id of the ERC-721 that is to be minted. This must be a unique id, one that does not already exist and has not existed previously. The execution will revert is the id chosen is already taken.

Burning IFTs

IFTs can be redeemed using the NftDistributor.burn function


  1. Invoke NftDistributor.burn(IFT ID), where tokenId is the token id of ERC-721 to burn


Minting an IFT via Basescan

  1. Visit the INT Write Contract page on basescan.org.

  2. Click Connect to Web3 and confirm the connection.

  3. Expand the 2. approve box.

  4. Paste the NftDistributor address into the spender field: 0x2beC23ca7d5f75604907E8310bE82deA0100E5e2

  5. Paste the amount to approve into the amount field: 10000000000000000000000000

  1. Click Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  2. Visit the NFT Distributor Contract page on basescan.org.

  3. You should already be connected, but if not, click Connect to Web3 and confirm the connection.

  4. Expand the 3. mint field.

  5. Paste the desired tokenId you want to mint into the tokenId field. NOTE: It must be a # > 2000 and a tokenId that has not already been minted.

  1. Click Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Using a wallet interface such rabby will simulate the transaction prior to submitting which should provide details on whether the id is taken. In the following screenshot the id '2001' is attempted to mint which has already been minted:

In successful mints, the simulated transaction should show as follows:

Burning an IFT via Basescan

  1. Visit the NFT Distributor Contract page on basescan.org.

  2. If you are not already connect, click Connect to Web3 and confirm the connection.

  3. Expand the 1. burn fileld.

  4. Paste the tokenId of your existing IFT into the tokenId field.

  1. Click Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated